First up is some trial exam questions for the foundation level of the ISTQB (which incidentally is the same as ISEB foundation level although the two exam boards differ their qualifications in software testing for all higher level certified exams).
2.4 (K1) Which of the following is NOT part of acceptance testing?
a) Integration testing2.5 (K1) Who should have the main responsibility for acceptance testing?
b) Performance, load and stress testing
c) Requirements-based testing
d) Security testing
a) The operations group2.6 (K2) What is the main difference between system testing and acceptance testing?
b) The customer
c) The programmers
d) Usage specialists
a) System testing concentrates on functional testing, while acceptance testing concentrates on nonfunctional testing.
b) Acceptance testing is a regression test for the changes implemented during system testing.
c) System testing is done against the developers’ interpretation of the requirements, acceptance testing against customer understanding.
d) System testing is done on the development platform, while acceptance testing is done on the customer platform.
There are more software testing questions for ISTQB foundation exam here
There is also a couple of acceptance testing news items. One is about AT&T Onyx which is going into field testing and then its final technical acceptance test. The story is here. The other is about Vodafone and Verizon and the Storm 2 launch. It seems that Verizon wants additional time to do technical acceptance testing and try to get as many bugs out as possible before launch. Interesting that the acceptance test is being viewed as a quality improvement step rather than "Formal testing conducted to enable a user, customer, or other authorised entity to determine whether to accept a system or component." (More on acceptance testing servuces)
Both the Onyx and Storm stories are from Fudzilla.