Sunday, April 24, 2011

Acceptance test benefits

I recently watched a webinar from SmartBear about the unexpected benefits of acceptance testing. You can read an overview of it here.

Anyway the topic looked at the long term benefits of acceptance testing (and to a degree regression testing too). They were benefits such as more cost-effective support, better positioning for business change and lower dependency on individuals.

All these are good benefits. I am think that to some they may be unexpected. But to everyone that has a long term interest in acceptance testing it is preaching to the choir. Still I think that the more people make a noise about the benefits of acceptance test activities the more people will adopt good practices in this area.

Friday, April 22, 2011

SAN user acceptance test

This is an extract from a question on SAN migration testing

In migration, you should consider several elements to form the questions you will use in the acceptance test. First you need to decide if the migration will be done while data is active or not. If you're planning to migrate while the data is not active, then you need to consider:

    After the migration, compare the data to be sure it transferred accurately.
    Are there pacing controls such that the migration can have less resources dedicated to it so more important jobs can finish?
    Can the migration be interrupted and then resumed without starting over?
    What configuration changes are required? Can the transition to the migrated device be done seamlessly?

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Acceptance testing news or just hot air?

I just had a quick look at organisations that issue news items which mention an Acceptance Test

Strange thing is it seems to be an areoplane kind of thing. First one I found was from Boeing about how they have copleted Site Acceptance Testing of a command and control system. The next one was about Areojet completing accepting testing of a mono-propeller rocket engine. And then there was another about Airtel, a company that is develops communications software for the aeronautical telecommunications network, who had completed acceptance testing of NAV Portugal’s Data Link Server.

I wonder why the aeronautical industry is so keen to tell us about its acceptance testing? Or maybe we should be asking why other business sectors are so reluctant to release news about acceptance testing.